Leather Packer Jock Strap

Leather Packer Jock Strap


The first and only original all leather jock designed specifically for FTM transgender guys, non-binary folks, drag kings, and anyone who wants to pack a bigger bulge.

Made from 100% soft and strong cow hide from Napa Vally Hide House.

Adjustable snaps for easy on and off and sizing.

For instructional video on how to pack it visit the Instructional page.

NOTE: This is the packing only model. If you have a “stand to pee” packing device please visit the Contact page to custom order. The “STP Leather Packer Jockstrap” and the “Fucker Leather Packer Jockstrap” are in development at this time and are coming soon!

WARNING: If your packer is made of extremely delicate material the leather could damage your packer. Recommend packers include: Mr. Right from Vixen, Mr. Limpy, and Sailor from Good Vibrations. Use any packer that has balls and made from a durrable rubber or silicone.

This item is copyrighted by Leatharcore Inc.

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